2021-12-17 21:21 羊城晚报•羊城派 原创
​This hip-hop dance contest shows strong Chinese style

Hip-hop dance teams from all over the country gathered in Guangzhou to compete in a high quality hip-hop competition. 

Equipas de dança hip-hop de todo o país reuniram-se em Guangzhou para competir numa competição de hip-hop de alta qualidade.


In the final of the TDS Top Dance Show, the teams performed a number of tricks, including difficult handstands and incredible body spins. 

No final do TDS Top Dance Show, as equipas executaram uma série de truques, incluindo suportes de mão difíceis e giros corporais incríveis.


It is worth mentioning that the choreography of many participating teams has integrated Chinese style elements, which has a great visual effect.

Vale a pena mencionar que a coreografia de muitas equipas participantes integrou elementos de estilo chinês, o que tem um grande efeito visual.



来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派
责编 | 吴瑕