2021-08-20 20:05 羊城晚报•羊城派 原创
​A financial straight-A student now engages in the renovation of cultural relics in the museum. When it comes to inheriting the traditional culture, she says…

Walking across the South Dezheng Road, a red-brown building comes into view. This is the Guangzhou Pugong Handai Ceramic Museum where a Post-80s grade-A student named Pu Tingli works. 


Since 2013, when an exhibition that showcased the precious ceramic collected by her father for many years wasmadeopen to the public for free, she started to take the responsibility of running this museum. 


In response to the subjects she learned, Pu Tingli linked the new road of museum with finance and explored the commercialization of museums by introducing financial capital. 


When it comes to the inheriting of the traditional culture, she said “It’s my responsibility and also my honor to preserve these cultural relics and pass on the traditional culture”.



来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派
责编 | 吴瑕