2021-07-27 18:35 羊城晚报•羊城派 原创
Guangzhou craftsmen pass on the 600-year-old Aoyu Culture

The culture of Aoyu in Guangzhou has a history of 600 years. According to the legend, two Aoyu saved a scholar who was being chased by an enchantress in the Shayong area of Guangzhou. Influenced by the fish lantern dance introduced from Zhejiang province, the story gradually developed into the Aoyu dance, which also popularized the related handmadeproducts. 


The representative inheritor of Guangzhou’s Intangible Cultural Heritage, Xing Zeliang, who is 64 years old, is good at “dancing, making, teaching and editing” the Aoyu culture. It can be said that he has dedicated his life to the inheritance of the culture of Aoyu.



来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派
责编 | 陈婉允