2021-06-02 19:26 羊城晚报•羊城派 原创
Understand a culture-rich temple: Haichuang Temple

Recently, “Gathering of Zen Masters and Literati: Lingnan monks’ paintings and calligraphy and Haichuang Temple’s culture and art exhibition” was held at the Guangdong Museum. 


Lingnan monks oncemadegreat contributions to paintings and calligraphy, cultural exchanges between the East and the West, engravings of scriptures and bonsai art, etc. 

Because of the special historical opportunity, Haichuang Temple has become an important carrier which shows the outstanding achievements and contributionsmadeby the monks.


In the Qing dynasty (1636-1912), many westerners visited Haichuang Temple, which left them with their first impression of Guangzhou city, even of China. 


In their eyes, Haichuang Temple, as a famous Guangzhou temple, was a symbol of the cultural characteristics of Lingnan. 


From their writings, we can see that they not only recorded the exquisite and magnificent architecture of Haichuang Temple at that time, but also detailed the monks’ daily life in the temple.



来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派
责编 | 吴瑕