2021-09-29 23:18 羊城晚报•羊城派 原创
Overseas Chaoshan people discuss the Mid-autumn Festival online

The Chen Cihong House in Qianmei Village, Chenghai, is hailed as the “No.1 Overseas Chinese House in the Lingnan area” and is extremely well-known in Shantou. 


The guest of this Mid-Autumn Festival Special The moon is exceptionally bright in your hometown is the grandson of the fifth generation of Chen Cihong, Chen Kezhan. 


Mr. Chen not only told us about the festival customs in Singapore but also showed us his cherished Qiaopi (Teochew letters) collections. From what he said, we can feel his strong feelings for his hometown. Let’s listen to his story!

说起新加坡中秋的中秋习俗,陈先生娓娓道来;说起自己的侨批收藏,陈先生如数家珍。字里行间,流露的是对家乡的深切情感。一起来听听他的故事吧!(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)

来源 | 羊城晚报•羊城派
责编 | 梁泽铭