2021-08-12 21:38 羊城晚报•羊城派 原创
Post-90s beauty Doctor is determined to describe new colors on the road of inheritance

In 1990, Wu Jiayin was born in a small seaside county in Shantou, Guangdong. 


Influenced by her father, Wu Shengyuan, a well-known painter of the Lingnan School of Painting, she began practicing calligraphy and painting at an early age.


After four years of study in Chinese, Wu Jiayin enrolled in a master’s degree in art and aesthetics at Jinan University. After graduating with her master’s degree, Wu chose to go to Sun Yat-sen University for her doctoral studies, while starting a painting and calligraphy studio to pass on what she had learned to her students in a modern way.


When it comes to inheriting traditional culture, Wu Jiayin believes that the young generation needs to keep creating new colors, because innovation is not only the essence of Lingnan School of Painting, but also the core of the inheriting spirit.


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来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派
责编 | 吕航