2021-06-10 23:30 羊城晚报•羊城派 原创
Chaozhou's Paifang street, a shared cultural relic, belongs to all Chaozhouers at home and abroad

Paifang (Memorial Arch), a traditional style of Chinese architectural arch or gateway structure, can be tracedback to the Zhou Dynasty (B.C770-B.C256).


潮州牌坊街夜景 张伟雄 摄

Paifang street is the oldest street in modern Chaozhou but in ancient times it was also the most prosperous one. Walking through it, every Paifang building is in order with complex stone carvings and paintings. They recorded the history of Chaozhou and the great contributions that Chaozhouershadmadeto the social and economic developmentof the city.


牌坊街夜景航拍 宋金峪 摄
潮州牌坊街夜景 张伟雄 摄

Nowadays, the rebuilt Paifang has increased Chaozhouers'cohesion, becoming a new symbol of Chaozhou's tourism. 


牌坊街上举行的民俗活动 陈宏文 摄


来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派
责编 | 陈婉允