2021-10-21 18:56 羊城晚报•羊城派
My Foreign Neighbor: Li Bing, president of the Cameroon’s Guangdong Chamber of Commerce

The 130th Canton Fair ended yesterday. Li Bing (William Akuma), president of the Cameroon’s Guangdong Chamber of Commerce, told his story with China. 

第130届广交会昨日落下帷幕。喀麦隆广东商会会长李兵(William Akuma)讲述了他和中国的故事。

Li Bing says one of the most impressive things in China is the Chinese attitude of “Work hard but stay modest.” 


Living in Guangzhou for many years, Li Bing has long become a familiar “foreign neighbor”. He said he will always love China and its culture.



来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派
责编 | 吕航